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Latin Music Panel Grammy Week 2023

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Shakira Exhibit Tour & Non-Profit Spotlight - Fundación Pies Descalzos

Hispanic Heritage Month • 1h 8m
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Latin Music Panel Grammy Week 2023

A conversation celebrating the culture and impact of Latin Music. Hear from guest professionals in all facets of the Latin music industry, including producers, songwriters, artists, label heads, entertainment lawyers and other leading industry professionals.

Celebracion de la Musica Regional Mex...

Adal “El Chikilin” Loreto and singer-songwriter Victoria La Mala are joined by songwriter Arturo Leyva and executive Luis Medina to talk about the impact and influence of Regional Mexican Music in Los Angeles. The discussion is followed by a brief acoustic performance by the moderator, Adal Lore...

Business, Production & Performance (W...

Tips on attaining success artistically and otherwise with Ella Bric and Gabrielle Garo.